
【sridevi kalyan chart】China fully starts work of SCO rotating presidency: spokesperson

字号+ 作者: 来源:知识 2024-09-20 22:34:04 我要评论(0)

BEIJING, July 22 (Xinhua) -- China has fully started the work as the rotating presidency of the Shan sridevi kalyan chart

BEIJING,sridevi kalyan chart July 22 (Xinhua) -- China has fully started the work as the rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) for 2024-2025 after the Astana summit, a foreign ministry spokesperson said on Monday.

Spokesperson Mao Ning made the remarks at a daily press briefing when asked to share China's plan to carry out its presidency.

"Following the Astana summit in July, China has formally taken over the rotating presidency of the SCO for 2024-2025 and will host a summit in 2025 as is the common practice. China attaches great importance to the presidency and has fully started our work," Mao said.

Noting that the SCO has grown into a comprehensive regional cooperation organization that covers the largest area and population in the world, Mao said the organization provides a fine example of efforts to create a new type of international relations, and important theoretical and practical experience in exploring ways to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

In the next 12 months or so, China will be working closely with SCO partners in political, security, economic and cultural areas and give fully play to the SCO's role as a shield of security, a bridge of cooperation, a bond of friendship and a force for good in the region, Mao noted.

China will use the good opportunity of rotating presidency to work with all parties of the SCO to build the common home of solidarity and mutual trust, peace and tranquility, prosperity and development, good-neighborliness and friendship, and fairness and justice, work towards a closer SCO community with a shared future and contribute more to the peace, stability, development and prosperity of the region and beyond, the spokesperson said.

Editor: WXL


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