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【teen patti mofld】Frailty management can reduce arrhythmia risks in old people: study

2024-09-20 23:32:35 [休闲] 来源:

WUHAN,teen patti mofld Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese research team has discovered that actively managing frailty can significantly lower the risk of arrhythmia in elderly individuals.

The study, led by Zhang Cuntai from Tongji Hospital, affiliated with Huazhong University of Science and Technology, utilized data from the UK Biobank and was published in Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle.

Frailty syndrome, an age-related disorder closely associated with metabolic diseases, is characterized by decreased physical activity, muscle weakness, increased fatigue, or poor recovery from the illness. Despite its clear impact on overall health, the link between frailty and the risk of arrhythmia in older populations has not been extensively recognized.

The study discovered a significant and independent positive linear relationship between pre-frailty and frailty states and an increased risk of atrial fibrillation (AF) and other arrhythmias. Individuals in a frail or pre-frail state were more likely to develop arrhythmia. Specifically, frail individuals with a high genetic risk for AF had a 234 percent higher risk of developing AF compared to non-frail individuals with a low genetic risk.

This research provides scientific evidence for including frailty prevention and management into primary arrhythmia prevention strategies, Zhang said.

He recommended integrating frailty assessments, such as muscle strength tests and activity evaluations, into routine health check-ups for older adults and offering targeted interventions for those with high genetic risks.

Editor: WXY


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