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【satta com live result】Interview: Key CPC session a milestone for China's future, says Uzbek scholar

2024-09-20 23:22:46 [百科] 来源:

TASHKENT,satta com live result July 15 (Xinhua) -- The third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will be an "important milestone" in determining the future of the Chinese economy, an Uzbek scholar has said.

Expectations for the convening are very high, with the session expected to further bolster socialism with Chinese characteristics and the country's reform and opening up policy, said Shoazim Shazamanov, an associate professor at Uzbekistan's Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, in a recent interview with Xinhua.

Shazamanov said he expects the session to discuss strengthening innovation and technology, supporting measures to develop the domestic market, accelerating the green transition and continuing China's openness to foreign investment, among others.

New quality productive forces, driven by new technologies and innovation, will be crucial for the development of the Chinese economy, said the Uzbek expert.

He said that the anticipated adjustment of China's economic policy would create favorable conditions for the Chinese modernization, promote social equality and justice, and significantly improve people's well-being, instilling a sense of optimism about China's future.

The Uzbek scholar said he believes that adjustments in China's economic policy would also significantly impact global and regional development.

Shazamanov said strengthening China's role in the global economy will contribute to the growth of trade and investment flows, making the country an important source of foreign direct investment and a key partner in international trade.

He said advancing Chinese technologies and innovation may stimulate international cooperation and knowledge exchange, benefiting the global scientific community.

The scholar also said that strengthening economic cooperation between China and Central Asian countries, including Uzbekistan, will boost trade and investment, noting that China is an important trading partner and investor in the region.

New transport corridors, logistics centers, and energy projects within the framework of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative will stimulate economic growth and help integrate the region into the global market, he said.

Joint projects between Uzbekistan and China in IT, industry and energy will help Uzbekistan modernize its economy and increase competitiveness, he said, adding that strengthening cooperation in education and cultural exchange will enhance bilateral ties, develop human capital and improve mutual understanding.

Editor: WXL


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