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【free download octra teen patti game for pc】Airbus delivers 700th China

2024-09-21 01:53:22 [休闲] 来源:

George Xu,free download octra teen patti game for pc Airbus executive vice president and Airbus China CEO, speaks during the delivery ceremony of the 700th A320 family aircraft assembled by Airbus Tianjin to Chengdu Airlines in Tianjin, north China, July 8, 2024. (Xinhua/Li Ran)

TIANJIN, July 8 (Xinhua) -- European aircraft manufacturer Airbus on Monday delivered its 700th A320 family aircraft assembled at its A320 Family Final Assembly Line Asia (FALA) in north China's Tianjin Municipality.

"This figure highlights the long-standing and in-depth cooperation between Airbus and the Chinese aviation industry," said George Xu, Airbus executive vice president and Airbus China CEO.

"Airbus remains dedicated to strengthening strategic collaboration with China and fulfilling our long-term commitment to this thriving market," Xu added.

The aircraft, an A320neo, featuring 180 comfortable economy class seats, was handed over to Chengdu Airlines.

Chengdu Airlines has 50 Airbus aircraft now, according to its CEO, Wang Shushi.

Inaugurated in 2008, the FALA in Tianjin is the first Airbus production line established outside Europe. The FALA has been operating for over 15 years and has become a model of successful China-Europe cooperation.

The Airbus Tianjin expansion project, which broke ground in September 2023, is expected to contribute to the company's overall A320 family ramp-up plan, supported by its global production network of 10 final assembly lines.

The production network will include two final assembly lines in Tianjin (one under construction), two in Toulouse, France, two in Mobile, the United States (one under construction) and four in Hamburg, Germany. ■

This photo taken on July 8, 2024 shows the delivery ceremony of the 700th A320 family aircraft assembled by Airbus Tianjin to Chengdu Airlines in Tianjin, north China. (Xinhua/Li Ran)

The A320neo aircraft handed over to Chengdu Airlines is pictured in Tianjin, north China, July 8, 2024. (Xinhua/Li Ran)

Guests attending the delivery ceremony of the 700th A320 family aircraft assembled by Airbus Tianjin to Chengdu Airlines pose for a group photo in front of the A320neo aircraft in Tianjin, north China, July 8, 2024. (Xinhua/Li Ran)

Editor: JYZ


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