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【bangalore to ujjain】The rise of "Guochao" dance: A testament to China's rich cultural heritage

2024-09-21 03:36:44 [热点] 来源:

Thebangalore to ujjain popularity of "Guochao" dance stems from a profound national recognition and emotional resonance with China's rich traditional culture. This cultural phenomenon is deeply rooted in national pride and cultural confidence. The essence of "Guochao" dance lies in its "Guo" (national) rather than its "Chao" (trendy). Without a solid foundation in traditional culture, it risks becoming merely a superficial visual spectacle.

The current trend in Chinese artistic creation reveals a fervent return to traditional culture. In terms of quality, innovation in content and form, and the number of popular works, dance creation stands out. Works like "Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting" "Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace" " The Song of Lights on Fishing Boat" "Stepping Stones" "Splendid " "Scholars' Dance with Folding Paper Fan" and the series "Chinese Festivals' Wonderful Tours," alongside the cultural dance program "Dancing Millennium”, have captivated audiences and frequently trended on social media. The phenomenon underscores the widespread appeal of "Guochao" dance.

The rise of

Photo of the dance performance “Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting”. (Photo provided to Guangming Online)

At the heart of these "Guochao" dance hits is a breakthrough in traditional culture. "Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace" uses AR and 5G technology to bring the charming Tang dynasty figures from the painting "A Palace Concert" to life. In "Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting", dancers in green costumes, with their high hair buns, transform into peaks and rocks, merging seamlessly with Wang Ximeng's "A Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers", a masterpiece of Chinese painting.

The rise of

Photo of the dance performance "Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace". (Photo provided to Guangming Online)

In the "Chinese Festivals' Wonderful Tours" series, the dance performance "Rhapsody on the Luo River Goddness" relocates the stage underwater, vividly bringing Cao Zhi's literary work to life. These performances meet the contemporary pursuit of cultural confidence and trendiness, showing how "Guochao" dance fulfills both. The immense success of these works has inspired many creators, who see "Guochao" dance as a formula for popularity. This has turned the genre into a creative hotspot, yet some issues have surfaced.

Firstly, there's a tendency towards homogenization in themes and types. For example, in the 13th China Dance Lotus Award in 2023, 13 out of 47 entries were inspired by historical relics, while 15 drew from historical figures and ancient poetry. This trend, while intended to interpret traditional culture through dance, often results in formulaic and unoriginal works.

Secondly, there is the issue of form overshadowing content. Many "Guochao" dances merely appropriate traditional cultural elements as symbols, lacking a clear concept of integrating traditional culture with contemporary aesthetics. This results in works that fail to resonate deeply and are ultimately indistinguishable from one another.

Thirdly, the reliance on new technology in creation is problematic. Successful works like "Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace" and "Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting" blend reality and virtuality, historical and contemporary elements, showcasing the spirit of Chinese aesthetics. These works are a testament to how technology can empower cultural expression. However, an overemphasis on technology for its own sake can lead to superficiality. The soul of "Guochao" dance lies in its cultural depth, not just its trendy appearance. Ultimately, the popularity of "Guochao" dance is driven by a deep national recognition and emotional resonance with traditional culture. If creators lack respect for and understanding of this heritage, merely chasing trends will result in a loss of diversity and artistic innovation. When creators compromise their cultural confidence for external forces, their works, even if momentarily popular, will not endure and will lead to audience fatigue. Over time, dance will lose its cultural and spiritual value.

In conclusion, for "Guochao" dance to carve out its unique path, it must draw from the roots and soul of Chinese culture, blending artistic creativity with cultural values. Only then can it avoid the pitfalls of superficiality and homogenization and achieve lasting success.

(Author: Dong Li,Associate Professor at China Women's University)

Editor: WRX


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